Kenzies Kapers

Kenzies Kapers

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Well, it's been forever sinse I have posted! So much going on! I am going into eighth grade!!!See the 1st pic? If that is the weight of a seventh grade backpack, can you imagine and 8th grade backpack? haha!!  I am so excited! Summer has been fun and there is only 23 days till we leave for UTAH!! I am so super excited!! I cant wait! I miss all my wonderful beautiful friends! I cant wait to see Kendyl, Cassie and Maddie! It will be fun!!! Oh! I miss the snow sooo much!! Gatta love that Keaton!!!!  I sooo would go back to that time in Utah when he was that chubby!! Now he eats his fruits and veggies and hes so skinny!! But I still love him!!! OH YA!! happy fourth of july!